Welcome to Bear Hug Healings

My intention is to create an intimate space for women to connect with and explore all parts of themselves, deepen into their flow, feel secure and be aware of how they are expanding their light. 

"Go within. It's your connection point to wholeness and purpose."

-Rayanne Paulson

Welcome to Bear Hug Healings

My intention is to create an intimate space for women to connect with and explore all parts of themselves, deepen into their flow, feel secure and be aware of how they are expanding their light.  Deep-connection and self-awareness can bring tremendous shifting and healing.

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My energy technique works on the conscious levels of the body and can increase your natural healing abilities.   This occurs physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. My mentors proudly say that I’m one of very few to feel the most subtle nuances in the work.  It allows me to be a gentle and compassionate healer with capabilities that extend from in person, video call and any distance.

I’ve heard time and time again the appreciation clients have with being able to clarify events coming thru their lives with greater ease.

Click below to see more of my Offerings

I received a healing session from Rayanne at the Taste of Healing event and it was a powerful session. The energy she brought through was a very high vibration energy that immediately sent me on a journey of healing. She has an intuitive knowing when it comes to what the body and heart and spirit need. I recommend Rayanne for a deeply relaxing, healing experience.

Nathalie Jackson

A session with Rayanne is like looking into a multi dimensional mirror. I get a chance to look at myself and feel and be seen on levels of myself that maybe I’ve been hiding from myself, or perhaps haven’t yet learned how to see clearly. With Rayanne I receive insightful, gentle, and subtle, yet powerful ripples of change through my perceptive awareness. This is energetic therapy work that transforms well beyond the session room.

Jana Lang

I had an amazing healing session with Rayanne! At the time, I wasn’t sure what to expect as it was a very new modality for me to try. I’ve had quite a few months to process now, and wanted to share some of my experience.

Rayanne is an extremely talented healer and was able to tune into my energy field and body immediately. During the hands-on portion of our session, I was very aware of my surroundings and felt lots of interesting sensations within and around my body, it was very pleasant.

While it was a very gentle experience at the time; I can’t help but feel that it was also a leading catalyst for a few months of very profound inner work with self. I remember pulling out of the driveway after my session, still feeling very open and still a little ‘under the influence’ from my energetic journey. When I pulled onto the road, a massive moose started running through the fields alongside of my car. He eventually surpassed me and crossed the road in front of me. He was majestic and beautiful, and had a powerful message. I am a firm believer in the Universe providing us with exactly what we need at any given time, and I believe this was why I had a session with Rayanne when I did. I wasn’t consciously aware of the work I was wanting to do, but after my session, everything just started falling into place to make sure that I had every opportunity to do my work.

Amy MacQuarrie

Rayanne is an accomplished graduate of my Integrative Chakra Therapy® energy medicine program. She has proven herself skilled and competent as well as compassionate and devoted to helping people empower their lives

Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.
