Lifting the Sister's Lodge

A Space for Women

Offerings include

“soul listening” energy sessions,

women’s circles (monthly),

engaging group workshops,

rituals and ceremonies




Offerings are done through the “temple” (greenhouse) space where we explore ways to collaborate and contribute within the community.

A second healers sauna location is in the dream space. Currently we have $700 for the build project and require closer to $8000 to have a complete outdoor sauna that is properly wired and insulated for Canadian winters.  It is being funded through donations, workshops, personal sessions, volunteering and gifts in kind.

Lifting the Sister’s Lodge 


The Sister’s Lodge

Connect with me Sister’s Lodge Community You don’t have to be on the outside looking your way in. What you’re feeling matters and your joy matters. Part of my purpose is to grow a sense of community of mutual support and deeper understanding. Through my own journey of truly listening to my soul, I’ve come to realize the importance of community and its role of supporting healing. I invite you to join like-minded women through in-person events that will be shared through emailed newsletters. Women’s gatherings will provide goddess and priestess teachings and facilitate support. There will also be periodic energy balancing rituals to promote lasting benefits. Private online groups will be additional support to stay connected. You’ll be kept up to date of the services being provided and how you can be welcome to collaborative projects within the community.